Simplify your customs formalities when parking

Are you parked in our truck park and need to clear your goods through customs? It's possible at Calais TruckStop!

23 05 2024

ASA is at your service for import/export customs formalities

Fast and efficient, the ASA agency is present on our HGV parking lot to help you complete all your customs formalities and offer you assistance solutions for crossing the Brexit border and third countries: 

  • T1 - T2 transit service, thanks to the TransiNet SGS offer
  • Management of customs formalities for declarants who are not present on the territory, thanks to a “Temporary Storage Facility” (approved location allowing “customs stops” and discharges).
  • Expertise and advice on customs clearance based on the presence of qualified declarants.

To take advantage of these services, the agency is open 7 days a week without prior appointment: 

Monday to Friday: 7am - 9pm
Saturday and Sunday: 8.30am - 5pm
Public holidays: 8.30am - 5pm

The ideal location allows you to park your truck in a secure, enclosed site with a wide range of services for drivers: relaxation room, sanitary facilities, washing machines, food truck...

Need more info? Contact them today:

Nos prestations & équipements

À votre service 24h/24 - 7j/7

Parking poids-lourds Parking poids-lourds
Parking poids-lourds

Un parking PL de 430 places pour garantir à vos conducteurs routiers et à leur chargement un stationnement sécurisé

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Services et équipements Services et équipements
Services et équipements

Une large offre de services est proposée aux conducteurs routiers durant leur temps d’attente et de repos

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Services et équipements Services et équipements
Formalités douanières

Notre partenaire ASA réalise vos formalités douanières pour vos marchandises 7j/7 sur notre parking poids-lourds

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Une demande concernant le parking gardienné, nos services, effectuer une réservation ou tout autre sujet ? Nous sommes à votre disposition.

Notre site est ouvert 7j/7 – 24h/24

Nos métiers